
Are you doing  business in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Do you want to find out more about a Company, a Sector or an Individual in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Get in touch !

Due diligence

At Dening Insights, we give market participants access to data, analytics, and reports to address:

 - Know your Customer / Supplier/ Partner

- Sector Analysis

- Companies Financials

- M&A valuation

Business Development Services

We offer a personalized service by partnering with clients to connect them with key-decision-makers, typically at C-suite level in Africa . By strategically profiling the right customers and target markets, we help drive new business. We can provide:

- Qualified Leads generation

- Appointment Setting

- Outsourced Sales team 

Individual Due diligence

We provide data and reports to address:

- Company Ultimate Beneficiary Owner (UBO)

- ID verification (ID, Criminal records)

- Pre-Employment Checks